Walk Kenya 2016


The 2016 Maasai mission was notable in many respects. It was the first time a medical sub-team from Evangelical Medical Missions Abroad ( E.M.M.A.) had joined with a Through Faith Missions cohort, a combination of nineteen people that proved highly successful, allowing outreach to take place on the road to clinics, as well as in the villages and bomas (homesteads). But it was also notable for the weather. The dry season was wet – with tropical thunderstorms bogging down our lorry twice and necessitating a road repair once, whilst camping in the first two locations became more English than African! The rains also encouraged flies, which did their worst, laying most team members low for 36 hours at a time, requiring much attention from doctors Phil and Cipro (Ciprofloxacin).

But morale remained excellent and for good reason – so many Maasai were responding to the Gospel message! In the morning on the roads, in the afternoon schools and following the evening Jesus Film, with some even praying the prayer in clinic. Men, in particular, were being saved, with notable examples being a group of 8 casual workers from the Kalangin tribe digging the ground and boda boda (motorbike taxi) drivers who were intrigued with what they saw during their daily work. Indeed, Kenyans in the neighbouring District of Kajaido wanted to know why we weren’t going there! In total, it was estimated that 600 men, women and children responded, with children not allowed to put their hands up (and have their names taken) if they were already saved!

Another difference from previously was that four of the combined team of nineteen were resident in America and with one of the local dentists recruited wanting to join EMMA trips in the future, collaboration remains productive.